LTF – Laboratorio Tecnológico Francés de Argentina S.R.L.




Osteoarthritis is a degenerative chronic disorder that causes the destruction of cartilage of joints, amongst its symptoms are pain, stiffness, limping and disability.

Main cartilages and joints upon which the treatment acts.

Joint Diagram

Joint Diagram

Between the bones that make a joint, there is cartilage tissue that prevent bone damage caused by friction.

The synovial fluid between them allows lubrication and impact cushioning.

Factors that lead to osteoarthrosis

Mechanical stress

Defective and repetitive movements, impacts, hits.

Poor nutrition

Nutrient-deficient diets. Joints are tissue with very little blood irrigation, thus, tend to have little access to nutrients, and are rapidly affected unless appropriately nourished.

Old age

With age, the body naturally loses its capacity to synthesize and keep the components of joint.


It may be caused by many genetic factors, but a further propensity to suffering loss of synovial fluid is evidenced in certain breeds.


For instance, arthritis, which origin is unknown, yet probably linked to autoimmune causes.

These factors lead to deterioration of the joint, causing damage and inflammation. During inflammation, molecules (cytokines and interleukins) are released that cause oxidative stress leading to further damage and loss of cartilage, exposing the bone. Due to the little irrigation of these tissues, injuries tend to be permanent.

It is fundamental to stop this process forcefully and early in order to prevent or halt the irreversible deterioration of the joint.

Viscosupplementation treatment with ACS® LTF.

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative chronic disorder that causes destructive alteration of the joint cartilage, amongst its symptoms are pain, stiffness, limping and disability.

  • - ACS® Injectable - Chondroitin sulfate 16% Injectable – LTF
  • - ACS® Tablets - Chondrovitamin for Dogs - LTF
  • - ACS® Injectable - Chondroitin Sulfate 100% – LTF

Viscosupplemmentation contributes the components that make the synovial fluid. The injectable treatment provides great bioavailability of the CS, granting further effectiveness and efficiency. Oral administration supplements and enhances injectable treatment, extending its effects or else, in preventive treatments.

To attain an effective and long-lasting treatment, it is fundamental to reach and maintain a high chondroitin sulfate concentration in blood, during a period no shorter than 20 days.

ACS® is indicated in dogs and cats that suffer from: osteoarthritis, arthritis, degenerative joint disease (OA), hip dysplasia, ear ptosis, etc...


Viscosupplemmentation with LTF.

ACS® Inyectable - Sulfato de Condroitina al 16% Inyectable – LTF

ACS® Injectable - Chondroitin sulfate 16% Injectable – LTF

Treatment with Chondroitin sulfate 16% Injectable - ACS LTF provides fast relief and further protection, due to a high concentration and bioavailability.

ACS® Injectable - Chondroitin sulfate 16% Injectable – LTF is leader in the treatment and prevention of joint disorders in high-performance equines (turf, polo, show jumping, endurance).

ACS® Comprimidos - Condrovitamina caninos LTF

ACS® Tablets - Chondrovitamin for dogs - LTF

1g Tablets

Each 1 g. tablet has:

Chondroitin sulfate (CS) (250 mg) Reconstitutes synovial liquid, stimulates production of CS, hyaluronic acid (HA), collagen and proteoglycan, repairs extracellular matrix.

Glucosamine sulphate (100 mg). Contributes to HA and CS synthesis.

Vitamin E (20 mg). Essential antioxidant nutrient, it protects the cellular membrane from the damage caused by inflammation and promotes the proper functioning of nerves and muscles.

Manganese sulphate (15 mg). Boosts enzymatic activity and metabolism of lipids, proteins and carbohydrates.

Upon the first few clinical signs of the disease, Chondrovitamin LTF for Dogs helps restore the damaged or inflamed joint tissues, inhibiting the pro-inflammatory molecules and stimulating the production of synovial liquid.

ACS® Cápsulas - Sulfato de condroitina al 100% - LTF

ACS® Injectable - Chondroitin Sulfate 100% – LTF

Chondroitin sulfate capsules have 500 mg of chondroitin sulfate of high-molecular-weight and maximum purity.

ACS® Capsules allows increasing the dose and concentration of CS in blood, potentiating and accelerating the results.

Administered as indicated, there are no contraindications or overdose in the use of these drugs. Overweight, inadequate movements (such as stair climbing), sleeping on hard and cold surfaces, or a poor quality diet, seriously harm the joints and are to be avoided.

An integral plan that includes physical exercise, good dieting, and weight control allow halting the progress of the disease and significantly enhancing life quality. Remember to always consult your veterinarian.

Example treatment with ACS® LTF in dogs weighing 20 to 30 kg:

Administer between 2 and 2.5 cc of ACS® Injectable - Chondroitin sulfate 16% Injectable – LTF subcutaneously every 2-3 days until finishing treatment (25 cc total). Complement treatment with ACS® Tablets - Chondrovitamin LTF for Dogs, 2-3 daily tablets (the further away from meals, the better). 1-2 tablets of ACS® Injectable - Chondroitin Sulfate 100% – LTF may be administered, for a further dose of Chondroitin sulfate. All the products may be independently administered, but when combined, further concentrations and faster results are attained.


Purchase our products exclusively in vet shops.

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